Workflow with empty action not working anymore


Am I the only one that since yesterday/today, all workflow with empty actions run as error?

It’s quite problematic since most of if/else condition in our app when nothing is suppose to happen, have empty action (since they are created like that by default)…

Just throw it out, it shouldn’t be there in the first place imo.

Hahaha :rofl:

So I have a kindred person. No you’re not the only one bro. I too (admittedly carelessly) used to leave them there since they helped me better visualise branching logic. But since whatever update Weweb introduced yesterday, more than 900+ workflows in my app have that bug now :sob:

Not pushed anything to production since yesterday cos I gotta first debug this.

My advice for you is don’t attempt to delete them all, as it may cause you to mistakenly delete the wrong thing if you have them plenty like me. Just go page by page and disabled the empty action. That way your workflow remains largely the same.

Sorry about it. We all gotta pay more attention next time.

I’m really not fan though of it not working anymore just because it’s what it is and a bad habit to leave them there.

Creating a true/false branch always puts empty actions in both branches and I just got fed up throwing them off every single time, so I just ignored them after a while… and they’re still created for both true/false case as of now.

But since I did that, now my workflow doesn’t work anymore because someone decided they should just be considered a failed process? what? For the number of true/false actions there are in my application, I’m really annoyed at this unannounced side effect.

While it sucks, it’s the reality of depending on someone’s else abstraction over the code. You get what you get.

Nevertheless, I’d still they should do something about this. Either one of the two things :

  1. Correction of the behavior of an empty action to pass like before OR
  2. At least warn us it is a known problem since the update and when generating true/false, to not generate the underlying action automatically (keep them empty).

It’s an update regression otherwise, however you see it.

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