Where did the 'Amount' element go?

Did the ‘Amount’ element get deprecated? I no longer see it when trying to add an element.

Hi @ericp :wave:
Forgot what the Amount element did.
But would the Form Input element — set to the type Number — answer your need?

No it doesn’t. The Amount element showed the currency value when the mouse was not in. I can rebuild the component with that functionality, just annoying that the update deprecated it.

Also, with the current element available, if you set it to Decimal type with 2 decimal.places and enter a whole number, it still won’t show the value with 2 decimal places (.00).

It’s a UX issue with users entering pricing into a form.

@jptrinh many elements actually disappeared, any info about why?

@Broberto @ericp
I believe some components where removed to simplify the Add panel.
Some where moved to the Starter kit where there are pre-built components.

Amount input is nowhere to be found =(

It would be nice if there was a good amount input. It would also be nice if the input automatically supported commas for thousands. I got around this for display not when edit, by creating my own formatting function, however in input is very not user-friendly

If there is a specific number you’re looking for, you might be able to use the mask input! I recently wrote out several patterns that you can try below…

Something like $000,000.00 may work!

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I second @Micah, I personally think there is not a lack of a proper component but a problem of people not knowing how to use the mask, because you can do pretty powerful stuff with it.

i just took a look at the masked and the referenced documentation. It seems that the input for Weweb is more limited than what the iMask documentation states. Maybe if this documentation (Masked Input | WeWeb Documentation) was updated to have more definitions like currency would be helpful.

But ideally why not add the mask functionality to the input components?