Weweb + xano magic link login

I want to add magic link login system in my weweb app.
I am adding the extension of Sendgrid in my xano backend app correctly and also receiving the magic link on given email.
But after clicking the link in email , i’m getting forwarded to home page and not getting any type of data.
Please help!
I want to make my app that after clicking on magic link i will get redirected to my app from where i can get logged.
If possible please provide the every steps.
Thankyou in advance!

Hey @kavi :wave:

To change the page the email is redirecting you to, you actually need to change the redirect page in Xano’s Sendgrid plugin settings.

Redirect on a WeWeb page that will read the magic link variable from the URL querystring, and then use this variable to trigger an on-page workflow that will log the user thanks to this variable.

We have a working example in the CRM template that you might find interesting: Learn how to use WeWeb + Xano's CRM template | WeWeb documentation

Problem is solved and now i’m able to login.