WeWeb Supabase bug with "JSON" type columns

Hello there,

I’m experiencing an issue with WeWeb + Supabase. I have a column containing JSON data, and for some reason, when I edit or add something to the Supabase table, the filter logic gets messed up, and I no longer have the option to select the operator “has all of.” Please watch this short 1-minute video for a clearer understanding of the problem: (only 1min) - Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom

Here’s some context to help you understand the situation better:
I have 4 multi-select filters, and their content comes from separate tables. They have to work withc each other. Additionally, I have 4 more tables that connect tools to categories, professions, and tools, as each tool can have multiple categories, professions, and tools. I couldn’t figure out how to filter one table with other tables, like “ToolProfessions.” So, I resorted to using JSON in the Tools table. I suspect there might be a more elegant solution, but I haven’t been able to find it.

Got it. Can’t be null cells inside the column. :smiley:

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Could you explain some more your findings so the others when they find the thread, can solve this based on your solution?

Btw arrays are better for this, weweb had a native “has any of” function that filters them like that.

@Broberto I just had some rows with Null cells inside the JSONB column, that’s why it didn’t work. Added empty to other rows and everything works.

Can you explain a little bit more about arrays?

If you need to store stuff like shopping lists, without need to do json. Json is good if you have unstructured data, or you want to store objects for example. But for lists of homogeneous values, supabase array functionality is great imo.