GET data from supabase with join tables, and NOT IN and IN condition, or with filter to other collection

Anyone help me to know how to get data using conditions with inner join clause in Supabase, I’m developing an app for leasing management, I want to assign assets to an employee, if the assets is assigned to another employee I don’t want to get this assets in the collection, here are the tables

And here is the WeWeb collection, if I use the filter option, I have only the option to set an specific element of the collection assignments

Hey, check this out :slight_smile:

Thanks @Broberto, do you know if can we use that format direct in Weweb advanced mode ?

You definitely can, in fact i did it and it worked :slight_smile: It might give you some errors, but when you open up the error log, you’ll see reccomendations from Supabase on how to fix it very often.

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