WeWeb Supabase Auth with Azure provider

I’m trying to setup a Supabase Auth using Azure as a provider. In the Supabase Docs, it says that: Supabase Auth requires that Azure returns a valid email address. Therefore you must request the email scope in the signInWithOAuth method by adding the following login code to the client app.

async function signInWithAzure() {
const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.signInWithOAuth({
provider: ‘azure’,
options: {
scopes: ‘email’,

My questions are: Is this really necessary? If so, how do you do it? And does anyone know of any good tutorials to that will show me how to enable supabase auth with Azure on WeWeb?

In this case you’d probably need to use custom code and do it yourself (WeWeb has an expose instance of Supabase, so it’s fairly simple). As for enabling it, you need to simply enable it in the Azure Admin Dashboard and in the Supabase Auth section in the Supabase Dashboard.