Weweb | Stripe payment link & checkbox add to cart


I would like to know how to get this Stripe portal (here a “payment link”) after submitting a form, the actual one from Weweb is ugly and very limited (can’t find tuto about customizing it)

And in my form I have a checkbox to make people add a premium product and I would like to add the product in the same checkout page (ex. $149 + $250). How could I do it?

I am using Airtable. I am looking to link the form information to Stripe informations (client email, price, date etc to have a follow in case they ask for refund or other problems).

Thank you in advance.

Hi @Khalil :wave:

To customize the Stripe checkout page, you’ll need to do that in Stripe directly.

To add the premium product, you’ll need to add the priceId in the checkout action as described in the “Create client intent & client secret workflow” section of this article.