Our use case is one of registring a payment method without actually having something paid at the moment of payment method registration. The intent / use case is to save the payment method for future usage (monthly - subscription based - billing).
It seems like the plugin (payment element) requires a payment in order to work properly. Question is - can we only register the payment method with the Stripe payment element made available by WeWeb.
Are you looking to use the inline payment element provided by weweb’s stripe component or are you open to the other solution offered by stripe? If you use the stripe-hosted checkout you can create the session on your backend (and set all the options you need for your case) and then redirect to the checkout in the frontend. This is the quickest way to implement it.
I don’t believe the weweb element supports set up intents, just payment intents.
I’d recommend just integrating it yourself via stripe hosted pages or your own HTML. Doesn’t take very long and offers you more customization as you want to tweak things.
I just completely a lot of weweb <> stripe work so happy to discuss further
quick note if you want to embed the checkout or payment elements yourself with the html component and js actions: check that you are not loading stripe.js more than once.
@dorilama How do I embed the checkout page please?
I have the Stripe call working in Xano and it returns a 200 response with a client_secret which I am returning to WeWeb. According to the Stripe docs I have to “mount” the checkout session using that client secret. Is that possible in WeWeb please?
it is possible with code. you need to use the stripe js sdk and follow the instructions of the checkout embed, you can find it in the sdk reference or in the guided tutorials. If you also use weweb’s stripe integration make sure to load the sdk only once (you see stripe complaining in the logs if is loaded twice)