Video Tutorial for Supabase Magic Link

Hey guys, we just published a Youtube tutorial on how to set up Supabase Magic Link auth - feel free to check it out!

Youtube link:

Let us know what you think and what tutorials you would look for next!

Thanks! :orange_heart::octopus:


Cool! But this way, you leave the old ā€œPlease check your mailā€ opened, and you open an another window with the Redirect Right?

Btw, I moved this to Tutorials, as it seems more appropriate :slight_smile:

Hi @thecalda, nice video guide! have you tried redirecting to a private-page via the magic link?

I get bounced from ā€œdashboard-pageā€ to the login-page by default if a user is not signed in. But when I go directly to the dashboard-page Im logged inā€¦

I found a solution to handle redirection to private page with Magic Link from Supabase. Here are some resources and a solution, which have been tested and works in production!

Similar challenges with redirection to private page:

Solution with Post Page redirect to private page:

Documentation for handling 3P auth redirection to private page:

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I did this setup, but I have an issue: Iā€™m not getting the correct email. Instead of getting the magic link email im getting the confirm sign-up email.

It might be because youā€™re not signed up with email confirmed

Thatā€™s exactly what it was. I am learning this bit by bit.

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