Variables on Page Level

Dear WeWeb team,

I’ve been using FlutterFlow for a while and I enjoyed having App Level Variables, Page Level Variables, and Component Level Variables. Can Page Level Variables be implemented in WeWeb? That will help many people manage their variables and not have a list of N amount of global variables used for Show/Hide on one specific page. I know that you can create folders, and reuse some variables, but it doesn’t feel right enough for me.

Thank you!


I agree.
For now I make 1 component for each page, and make it accessable outside of the component, merely to store variable for the page :smiley:

Additionally adding folders to the variable list while chosing in workflow creaion would be fantastic. After a while it is quite a lot to scroll.

BTW: Add global variable button should be on top of the list :slight_smile:

That doesn’t sound right. How do you change these variables?

@luka Hey :wave:t2:
Is there any chance for this to be added?

I think this is such a core thing to WeWeb, that it would take quite some time to implement. I don’t see this being real in any short term. But maybe I’m wrong :slight_smile: I’d suggest you post to

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I need this too!

This isn’t necessary. Just create components.