User auth info missing

Hey there,

It seems i’m missing something but i only have access to limited info in my “auth user info”.
For now i just have this:
But in my auth/me, i also have the last_name:

Does someone know why i can’t get the last_name in user auth info in weweb?

Thank you.

Not all properties of objects are shown in the nocode interface.
Press the “user” object, and you can see the hidden keys.

You can access them using dot notation “user.last_name” or getKeyValue(user,“last_name”)

Thanks for your reply but as you can see in the screenshot the user object is open and no last_name visible.
Also i’m not sure you can access in weweb values that don’t exist. ( i tried what you suggest in case of, but it doesn’t work at least for the auth user object)

You are refering to the nocode interface. As I said, not everything shows there.
Add the element in the formula field and you will see everything

I agree that with supabase never had this issue but this time i’m doing it with xano.
I’m surely missing something but here is a screenshot doing the same way as you:

and still no last_name.

Ok, I can’t help with Xano, as I’m using supabase. Maybe some Xano expert can help :slight_smile:

In any case thanks for your help!

Oh, I figured it out. Go to your Xano auth end points and then make sure when you “Get” the user, all the columns you want are ticked under Output.

Thanks Raelyn for your contribution. My output was correctly setup as i had the correct response when run and debug my endpoint.
I just figured out that i had a copy of this endpoint hidden in another folder…
Now it’s solved!