I’ve bind my WeWeb app to an external datasource using API, and for now it’s working great.
However, in order to improve performances and reduce data which are sent through network, i’d like to use WeWeb CDN to display logos.
My idea is to upload all my logos into WeWeb CDN and store filename into my DB. That way, i’d be able to use a formula to create the img src : CDN_URL/Filename_from_DB ! How could i do that?
You could upload all of the images to WeWeb’s files and then set a custom path if needed by using “Set path”. After that you can simply “Copy link” and paste it in a reusable component, or make a formula that composes your desired URL.
That’s what i did, i’ve added 400 images with filename i know. I am not able to use them in formula ? Is there a shortcuts to link the cdn files in a formula ?