Updating Static Collection

Is it possible to update a static collection from the client side?

The workflows to ‘Fetch Collection’ doesn’t work on static collections. Only when I manually sync from the editor.

I have it possible that users may add an item to a collection. I have a static collection page built from that collection. I want the new collection static page to sync via a workflow.

if you need your collection to be updated by a user action for all users, then static collection may not be the good choice (static is for data which does not change between publishes). May be go for a dynamic instead?
if you need the data to just be updated temporaly for this user session, you can use a variable.

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So if we have things like “a profile page” for a company or a user and we want those pages to be shareable - “here’s a link to my profile” - how can we still allow users to add things to their profile and have a static URL that can be shared?

You will fetch the data dynamically on the page load, so that every time someone open the page, data are up-to-date

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I experience the same issue as RCS. Unfortunately the content is needed in a collection page which needs to be static. Is there such an option to “fetch” this data on pageload or something with a similar effect?