Hello all,
After installing the qrcode component, it triggers the camera, but nothing happens when I present a qr code. Does anyone know how to get this component to work?
Hello all,
After installing the qrcode component, it triggers the camera, but nothing happens when I present a qr code. Does anyone know how to get this component to work?
Hi @Geoffroy
Did you check out the user docs article?
If that’s not helpful, let me know! I’ll make a note to record a video on the topic
Thank you Joyce,
What is explained in the doc is ok, easy to understand. My problem is that the qr code I present doesn’t scan (it works fine with another qr code reader).
Aaaah ok, got it!
I haven’t seen that happen so far but the feature is only a few weeks old.
Have you been able to get the WeWeb code scanner to work with other QR codes?
If yes, would you mind creating a bug ticket here and sharing the QR code that’s not working so the tech team can look into it?
If no, would you mind recording a short video of your attempt(s) so that I can try to figure out what may be missing?
It works when i scan an encoded url, but not for an integer (tostring formatted), or a stringify json
Forgot to answer but I shared this with the team so they’re aware
FYI, they’ll have to wait until September to look into it. I hope that’s ok
Yes, that’s ok, thanks Joyce.
Hi, can you provide some examples of QR code that don’t work for you ?
I tried some QR with numbers only, some with JSON and they all work.
What device are you on ?
hi @Geoffroy in case you’re still looking for QR code + barcode functionality, we built and released a free component on the new WeWeb marketplace that scans both QR and barcodes.