Barcode Reading Element

Hey Folks,
I’m trying to get a barcode scanner into my page, and have seen the qr code scanner element. Unfortunately the scanner has to accept barcodes.
I was wondering if anyone knew how to get this into a page, and where to start?
Advice appreciated!

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Hi @kieran :wave:

Just created the product ticket so the team can look into adding that option natively. Not sure if/when we will be able to prioritize this though.

In the meantime, you would need to develop your own custom component.

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Ok great, thanks a lot, would be amazing natively, other platforms seem to offer it and has a strong use case for it!

Hello both,

I actually have the same need and I’ve tried to integrate components using new NPM plugin but nothing worked as expected.
I took a look at custom components and also the QR-code-reader component developed by WeWeb. According to what I’ve read in source code, it seems that it only triggers when the format scanned is QR_CODE.

However, it uses the Html5QrCode library which also enables code bar scan, if it’s possible the ideal solution would be to allow the users to select which type of bar code we want to scan on this component.

Hope it will be available any time soon.

Up! So important to be able to scan barcodes! Thanks!

Hello Joyce, do you know if this feature has been incorporated into your roadmap?

I need it for a medium-term project, and it would be useful to know if I need to develop the component (it would be my first time) or if it would be worth waiting for.

Thanks in advance,
Jesus Santin

Hi Jesus, it is currently in our backlog with no ETA. I’d recommend developing the component if you know you’re going to need it in the next couple of months.

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Bonjour Joyce, thank you very much for your feedback.

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Hey, Forge Lab just released barcode scanner component on the marketplace [here](

Hope this can help you!


Impossible to get the component, the link is broken :frowning:
I’m also looking for a solution to read barcodes from the web

Hi @tripeca :wave:

Could you share a short screen recording of the issue you encounter?

I just checked the link and it worked fine on my side :confused:

In the meantime, perhaps you could go to the marketplace homepage and search for the barcode template:

@Joyce I see some libraries twice and some seem like they’re broken / not supposed to be there (yet).

The broken ones are weird. I’ll ask the team to investigate.

The duplicate ones are not duplicates, they are specific to an auth system: Xano, Supabase, and WeWeb Auth