UGGHHH! User and Users Table, Password Reset with Xano Auth

Howdy y’all. I am attempting to setup Password Reset with Xano Auth per the instructions here.

I followed all instructions and tested the first call to auth/request-magic-link to generate the email with the magic link, but got a 404 error from Xano with repsonse “No user found for that email”.

When I looked at Xano I saw that the Xano snippet had create a new User table, separate to my existing Users table! I then verified that the function in the API is indeed looking at the new, empty User table. :man_facepalming:t2:

Any suggestions on how to fix this? All my standard Auth is setup on the original Users table. I thought about trying to edit the function in the auth/request-magic-link to look at the Users table instead of the User table, but I will probably break something…

@Michael_Xano Sorry to tag you directly but perhaps this is more of a question for Xano?

This comes up a lot. Xano snippets/plugins are great for demos but don’t compose super-well. Xano is not legos - at least not yet.

Adding the magic link endpoint adds its associated user table, which the rest of your code doesn’t use! These are more useful for studying how they work and then re-implementing as primitives in your own Xano instance. It’s more work than perhaps it should be, but it’s not a lot.

In short - either remove the snippet or edit the endpoints to use the table you use.

Both the snippet issue and password reset flows have been topics in our recorded office hours on Statechange Pro. These are available for all members, along with daily office hours and our loom-based ask-and-answer forums.


Just to close the loop on this, I ended up just creating the CRUD and AUTH endpoints on the new User table and just updated the Xano Auth plug-in in WeWeb with those new endpoint URLs. All good now. :smiley: