Tutorial on how to implement a chat/ messaging functionality in weweb using supabase

Hey guys i just published a new video on youtube giving a comprehensive walkthrough on how to develop a chat app in weweb using supabase. This a link to the video https://youtu.be/sDW27eEOZCY .
Would love to get the community review.


Hello, have you tested this in the production/published version? I’m not sure about how the current Supabase plugin handles the realtime, but on the old version, I had this issue, that messages from the other chats appeared in the wrong chats, as the client was subscribed into the old channel, so I had to unsub with custom JS. Pretty cool tutorial, loving the Jay Z reference :slight_smile:

Thanks broberto. Yes the realtime works well in prod. I didn’t come across that issue on my end, how was your data structured in supabase?

This is really cool! Thanks so much for putting this together and sharing @iconicsam :hugs:

That’s great! Thanks for taking the time to create this video!