function playCustomeRingtone(ringtonePath) {
audioId.value = audio-${}
; // Generate a unique ID based on timestamp
// Find the existing audio element
let audioElement = document.getElementById(audioId.value);
if (!audioElement) {
// If the audio element doesn't exist, create it
audioElement = new Audio(ringtonePath); = audioId.value;
} else {
// If it exists, update its source
audioElement.src = ringtonePath;
audioElement.preload = "auto";
console.log('Audio element:', audioElement);
audioElement.onerror = () => {
console.error("Failed to load audio. Falling back to default.");
audioElement.src = ringtonePath; => {
console.error('Error playing the fallback audio:', error);
// Play the audio => {
console.log('Playing audio with ID:', audioId.value);
}).catch(error => {
console.error('Error playing the audio:', error);
return audioId.value;
function stopRingtone() {
const audioElement = document.getElementById(audioId.value);
if (audioElement) {
audioElement.currentTime = 0;
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(Paused audio with ID: ${audioId.value}
console.log(‘Audio paused state:’, audioElement.paused);
console.log(‘Audio current time:’, audioElement.currentTime);
}, 100);
} else {
console.error(No audio found with ID: ${audioId.value}
i am trying to implemet custom ringtone, audio is getting played but not getting paused when stopRingtone() is called even though
console.log(Paused audio with ID: ${audioId.value}
console.log(‘Audio paused state:’, audioElement.paused);
console.log(‘Audio current time:’, audioElement.currentTime);
is getting executed successfully