Text Entry Conditional Cursor for Read Only

I am using the “Read Only” setting on a text entry field. When it is set to read only, I want to conditionally change the cursor to just the regular mouse pointer.

Does conditional cursors not work for text fields?

For Example, the following doesn’t seem to work on the text field.
if( Variable1 = false, Pointer), and I still see the text entry cursor.

The same formula works on other page elements.

you can apply a class to your input element and then in custom code add the following css:

.inputA[readonly]{ cursor: pointer !important; pointer-events: none; }

‘inputA’ is the name of class i used

readonly is also an available state, so you can create a state name “readonly”, and change the cursor for this state

That is very helpful. Is there a list of available states somewhere? I haven’t been able to find on in the docs.

Here you go: States | Weweb documentation