Resetting Initial Value on Input Field After Cancelling Edit

Hey WeWeb community,

I’m currently looking for a solution regarding an input field. My input has an initial value and at first, readOnly is set to true . When the edit mode is activated, readOnly switches to false . This allows for new input to be entered into the field. However, if the editing is cancelled (with readOnly returning to true ), the new input remains in the field (even though it isn’t saved in the backend). Is there a simple way to reset the input field to the initial value when the editing is cancelled? Am I missing something here? :smile: I’d like to avoid reloading the page if possible.

Thanks in advance!

Alright, I did overlook a straightforward solution. :smile: In the workflow, when toggling the readOnly state, there is an option reset variables value. Within the values, the input field appears and can indeed be reset.

Best regards!


Nicely done! Thanks for taking the time to share the solution :hugs:

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But this does not work if this input is in the list. And it turns the weweb into hell

actually here is when weweb allows you to manage lists (unlike other nocode tools).
have a look here for an example about how to handle inputs in a list, including resetting all of them