Table field not in collection, no filter available

I want to find out in a workflow with a Select command (Supabase) how many records do not contain a delivery date:


I’m filtering the SELECT by 2 conditions: 1. task_id and 2. delivery date. Here is just one example for a Condition for the delivery date (I also tried others):

The formula for is less than was Date (“2020-01-01”) since all dates will be after that date.
I also tried Column equals null but this doesn’t work either since the field isn’t included in the collection.

There is ONE job w/o a delivery date but WeWeb says 0.


That doesn’t work. In the data record, the delivery date value is null. The reason for this issue is probably this: When I retrieve the collection under Data, the Delivery Date field is not included in the result unless it contains a value:

Job 37 with a delivery date:

Job 38 w/o delivery date:

But there is no filter for this case. Can I still determine how many records do not have a delivery date?


I am not sure to get exactly what you want to do. If you want to get the item without any date value, you need to set a filter “column is equal to a value” with the value "" or null depending on your database

I also tried this but WeWeb throws an error. I guess it’s a bug. As I explained before, if a table field is empty in Supabase, WeWeb does not include the field in the retrieved collection record. And then I can’t use a formula which needs this field.
Have a look at the two screenshots above, showing a record with and without a delivery date.