I’m working on this app to record the information of our personnel, and it’s been great, but I just stumbled into a wall.
FYI. This is an overview of the Xano DB structure I’m using.
- Person
- Person_Experiences (each record is its own experience (e.g., training event, education, etc.), and each record is linked to a competence element to distinguish itself from the others.
- Competence_Element (e.g., education, work experience)
As you can see in the following screenshot, I have a group repeating the competence elements (which are represented as sections), and each section has its own details tab and its own table. My problem is that even though experiences are kept in the same DB, they are not the same. At least they should not be in the frontend.
I need to have different tables (or table structure) for each section/competence element. Do you guys have any advise? Any help is well received.