Supabase Auth column naming conventions


I’ve just started using WeWeb, it’s looking pretty great so far. Although there’s one thing that’s quite annoying, was wondering if there was a way of updating the Auth plugin to change this.

When working with the Supabase Auth plugin, I hate the fact that it forces you to use the columns “userId” & “roleId” for the role table, would it not be possible to just add another dropdown to select the column name for the role and user id’s?

It’s just quite annoying since normal postgresql naming convention dictates snake case, not camel case, and it causes SQL to not recognise SQL queries regarding these columns unless you put quotations around “roleId” and “userId”. I know it’s not a HUGE deal, it just means that this table is formatted differently to the rest of my app, and I have to remember to use quotations when referencing these columns.


For added context. You shouldn’t usually have to use these quotations in SQL but because sql reads all text as lowercase unless quotated, you have to. And aside from that, it just makes the data look more messy by having different naming conventions for this table. I’d much rather be able to just use role_id and user_id.

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I added it in the plan for our supabase update, thanks for the feedback! :slight_smile:


Amazing, cheers Alexis :slight_smile: