I have a collection from Xano which is a list of objects containing a text. A button allow to generate the text of one item of this collection.
I want to stream the response. What is the best practice for that since my initial value is linked to the item.text, and not to the [streamingResponse] variable for now.
I am wondering if there is a best practice for that. Anyone set up something similar ?
So like this when the generation workflow is running, I do not print the variable “Comment” wich comes from Xano, but the new value being generated: streamTest. Xano saves this new comment in the DB.
However : I want to have several comments so the user can access the previous modifications by clicking on arrows like this (bind to my component variable comment visible, that I match to the index of my list Part.ai_comment_of_part) :
The problem I’m facing now with this complex solution is that my generation workflow is outside my component. So at the end of generating a new comment, I can’t change the component variable “comment visible” easily. For each component :
comment visible = 1 means the comment visible is the first one
comment visible = 2 means the comment visible is the second one
I’m trying to figure out which solution is less complex for scalability and debugging. Let me know if you have any ideas.
Thank you for offering your help. I finally found an alternative by duplicating the text. So when the text is generting I print a text block with the streaming variable updating and hiding the comment already generated. It works great ! I didn’t think about it…