Streaming audio via WeWeb > Xano > Deepgram (and securing the Deepgram API key)

Hi All,

I’ve just finished setting up the Deepgram SDK via NPM and have some Javascript that leverages this for live speech-to-text. However, after building everything I have realised that my Deepgram API key will be exposed in WeWeb.

What’re my options?

I use Xano as my backend, but do not yet know how to setup realtime/websockets to get Xano accepting data from WeWeb and passing it onto Deepgram and back (does anyone have experience in this and can help)?

Alternatively, I had thought I’d storing the API key in Xano and making a request everything time its needed and dynamically inserting it into the Deepgram headers. But that’s still probably not a good idea.

Anyone got any ideas?
