Stop & Debug / Stop iterator please!

Really need a way to stop and debug loops. I read somewhere you had a Stop iterator at one time? Anyway - sure would be great to be able to add a “STOP & DEBUG” to a loop … (unless I am missing some way to do it now?) @Joyce @Alexis ??

As a workaround for now, you can a custom js action with debugget, and open chrome devtools.
What will be your expected behavior for a stop action? Just for loop? Just for debug or also conditionally stop?


I like the behavior in Xano - you can add the “Stop & Debug” anywhere in a function stack (workflow) and it stops and optionally returns any value for you.

If you had that - you could then just add a conditional node in WeWeb (true/false split, etc) and then trigger the “Stop & Debug”.

So, you have flexibility to easily terminate your workflow any at any stage and see a value (and obviously you can see all your variables and logs in the debugger panel too).