Sort on a column with a icon

Hello everyone,

I’ve repented from Bubble and I’m trying to transfer my project to Weweb with Xano. I’ve managed to do 90% of the transfer in just 3 days (thanks for this tool, I can finally breathe) but I’m stuck on one feature even though I see lots of posts about it but nothing works for me. It’s the famous sorting of a column using an icon. I have a table with prices and I’d like my client to sort either ascending or descending, but I can’t despite several attempts …

If you are sorting client side, then create two variables. These will be passed to the collection.

  1. sortColumn (text)
  2. sortOrder (text)

Set the defaults to the column and sort order you want the table sorted at page load.
For example, sortColumn may be “Prix” and sortOrder “desc”.

Bind these variables to the collection in the Sort & Filter section in the collection.

Add a workflow on the icon in your table that updates these two variables and then refetches the collection.

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I’ve been tinkering with formulas, but I can’t figure out exactly what to do, please give me more details