[Solved][CRM] Xano Snippet Doesn't Work


I’m having problems using the CRM Snippet for Xano. The tables and APIs are simply not created in my account.

Will there be any impediment to the free plan?

I wanted to use this CRM template in my project and the BULK part for DEALS is the ESSENTIAL part of the project!

Thank you in advance for your support and quick responses!


Hi @felipegranado :wave:

Just checked and it should work fine.

Remember, when you add a snippet to Xano, you need to:

  • first add it to your Xano project
  • then go to “Marketplace” > “Purchased” to install it.

Here’s the Xano article on the topic: Preview and Add a Snippet - Xano Documentation

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Hi @Joyce !

Actually, it was on Xano’s Marketplace.

The CRM tutorial was not very clear with what would happen when registering the Snippet. I had imagined that Snippet would automatically create API calls and tables.

Thank you so much!