Smartsuite Data Collections

I am getting started creating collections using data in my SmartSuite application. I have had some small initial success pulling in data using all the WeWeb default settings (I need to work out back end filtering but that is a problem for another day!) I have so far pulled in data from 3 tables - however I am now trying to pull data from a fourth table. This is pulling from a table in SmartSuite called Jobs within an application called Jobs - it has quite a lot of data (around 19,000 rows) but I don’t think it has any other particular differences from the other tables that I have already been able to pull into WeWeb.

When I go to setup the collection I get “No Data Fetched (Empty Object)”.

Is there something in the structure of my SmartSuite table that could cause the data connection to not work properly - I think my WeWeb settings are identical to those used successfully in my existing Data Collections

Hello, it would be great to see your setup in order to be able to troubleshoot this

Hi, great thanks - this is my collection setup - I think all pretty standard


I don’t think I have any Native Filters in place (I did change the name of my App to “Jobs Listing” just in case having it the same name as my smartsuite solution caused an issue)

This is my Smartsuite table - not sure what detail I can provide that might assist, just let me know

I am still finalising my data load into the Jobs Listing app so I deleted nearly all the records (I left 41), ran the import and it ran fine. I wonder if either WeWeb didn’t like my 20000 + rows of data or if buried in that data there was a record that caused an issue. It wasn’t like my attempt at creating a collection was in some way capped, it just had no records at all in it. I have asked SmartSuite help if they know of a limit that could be causing my issue. Will let you know what they say