Set which Pagination page to start on

Hi, I have a 21 day challenge, and I’m trying to show the card for the current day the person is on, with the ability for them to toggle to the other pages. The way I’ve done this is by using pagination on a collection of challenge days. Each ‘page’ is set to only show 1 record. Its working great but…

I need to find a way to have the pagination default to the 2cnd page on day 2, the 3rd page on day 3, and so on.

Is there a way to set the pagination step on page load?

Hi @mark :wave:

Can you tell us a bit more about how things are setup on your side?

What do you mean by “the ability for them to toggle to the other pages” for example? Are you using the paginator element to display 21 items like this for example:

CleanShot 2023-12-22 at 13.52.34

I would love to be able to manually set a pages. For example: for a “go back to first” or “go to last” button.

Cool idea. Will create a product ticket so the team can explore it.

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