Set a collection item to a different object and refer items inside of it

Bubble refugee here, please be gentle. :wink:

How do I do this sort of nesting (join?)?

  • I’ve got a collection list of family.
    • inside each of those, I’ve got another collection list of family_members
      • I would like to then set the collection item to the corresponding profile by filtering the list of profiles by the parent’s

I was hoping to stay at my level of ignorance and use the filters,

but it doesn’t look like I can use a filter inside another filter.

FYI: I figured out how to get each text, but I’m sure there’s a better way by setting the collection item to the profile object and then referencing various texts to this object.

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Where’s your data coming in from? Can you share the data model you are feeding into the collection?

I believe it’s a known limitation by the weweb team, based on a previous post. How can I filter by date from a collection where the date is part of an addon from Xano - #3 by MichaelLovell

Not seeing the data structure but making some assumptions, switch to the javascript formula and try something along the lines of this…

// Access the global variable containing the data Family
const items = collections['your-collection-id...de439c6947c9']

// Filter the items based on the '' property
const filteredItems = items.filter(item => {
    return === user_id;

  // Return the filtered items
return filteredItems;

The data is coming from Supabase. I wish there was a simple way to visualize the database, here is the next best thing I can do – some screenshots.

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Thanks, @MichaelLovell .
I was hoping there was some more native way, but I’ll use either Javascript or learn Supabase’s GraphQL.

seems like you should be able to return your data in such a manner no?

How many data calls are you making to get your data into weweb that you need to filter? 1 or more than 1?

you could share your data model by printing it to the console using some js in a workflow :wink:

console.log([insert collection here])

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Thanks for all the help, I feel like I just got a :medal_sports: achievement unlocked.

The query:


:mechanical_arm: nice work!

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