Send Scheduled Automatic Emails

Good morning Community!

I need to include automatic emails in my project to remind me of the start of the course 24 hours in advance.

On the site I am using now I am using cronjobs, but from what I understand on WeWeb this practice is not available.

How can I integrate it on WeWeb without using cronjobs?

Thank you very much in advance for whoever answers me :slight_smile:

This is a backend task, not frontend as weweb is.

You should look into zapier, make, n8n or similar, this makes a task like this easy.

Hello, if you’re still using Supabase as a backend (if I remember it well), I highly suggest looking into the http: RESTful Client | Supabase Docs for HTTP requests to your e-mail sending API, and the pg_cron: Job Scheduling | Supabase Docs for the CRON job scheduling part. It’s how Supabase suggest to do it for example even for Scheduling Edge Functions | Supabase Docs.

I’ve done this quite a few times for various people here, it is not that complex to set up. Otherwise as @thomlov said, you can go to the other tools like Make, Zapier, or n8n, but that in my opinion even though is no-code friendly, would just bloat your tech stack uselessly, as Supabase can handle this easily.