Rich Text Code Wrapping

I have a rich text element that contains formatted code using the triple backtick formatting (```python…).

I am having an issue that this code is not wrapping properly on the front end.

Is there a way to address this?

Hi @BuildLikePeter :wave:

A couple of questions.

1- are you using the Rich text or Rich text input?

2- could you go on the element in the navigator and show us the various CSS styles that are applied?

For example here I’m on a Rich text element and I can see the text is displayed differently when I play around with the width or padding of the element:

CleanShot 2023-06-19 at 16.24.06

I am using the Rich Text Element. And using the triple back tick markdown code block notation. I tried it with the < code > < / code > notation and it wraps. But the text is coming from an API that uses the markdown version so I can’t manually adjust it.

Here is another example:

And here are the settings

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Ok, my first recommendation would be to set the width property to auto but I’m guessing you chose a fixed width of 350px because you want nice space on the left and right of the text :slight_smile:

So the other (quick & dirty) solution I can think of is to:

  • place the rich text element inside a container
  • have 100% width on the rich text element
  • and your 350px width on the container
  • set a “Scroll” or “Auto” overflow on the container:

I realize this is not ideal in terms of user experience so will investigate further with the tech team…

Can you tell me more about how you used the < code > < / code > notation to make it wrap ? (I’m thinking perhaps we could use a formula to change the backquotes into tags when binding the original markdown to the element)

Yes I think you can do it with javascript, when you bind the variable you can use this snippet :

return myVar.replaceAll("```python", "<code>").replaceAll("```", "</code>")