Refresh page/data after updating

I’m updating a record in Xano, which executes correctly, but the data on the page does not refresh.

On page load, I’m getting the data for a single item. After updating a field in the item, I make that call again, but the field doesn’t update until I switch pages or reload the page.

Here’s a video explanation: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom

Thanks for any help!

Update 3/30 - any ideas @Joyce ?

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Hi @karlso, thanks for the clear video walkthrough, it helps a lot!

Honestly it looks like you’re doing everything right. Could you send me a private message with a link to your project so I can have a closer look?

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Hello @karlso,

In the submit, you are making a call to your endpoint. I think that you need to fetch your collection with the action fetch and it will work like you want :slight_smile:


That was it - thank you!

I’ve got a similar question-- maybe more basic:
I’m uploading a file to a user’s database at Xano through a “submit” form. I then linked an image on the Weweb page to the URL of the successfully saved record. Unfortunately, the image does not refresh on the WeWeb page when a new image is submitted. How to I get this to refresh?

You’ll need to add a “Fetch collection” action in your workflow to ensure the data on the page is the latest.