Hello everyone. Complete webdev noob here. So, please bear with me if the questions are too basic.
I’m just about done building my webapp with WeWeb and ready to publish on the domain (say, site.com that I had already bought from Namecheap.
Following is the setup I’m hoping to achieve:
1 → app.site.com → Don’t care much about SEO-friendliness on these pages. This is the WeWeb app I’m developing.
2 → site.com → Landing page + Few other static pages (FAQs, Pricing, Demo, Terms of service etc.). Need these to be SEO-friendly. I’m thinking of doing this on Webflow*.
3 → blog.site.com → SEO-heavy marketing pages. I’m thinking of doing this on Webflow*.
*Reason for choosing Webflow over WeWeb for 2 and 3 above → From a very limited reading I’ve done on this community and elsewhere online, Webflow seems better SEO-performant than WeWeb. Please correct me if this is a wrong assumption. Somewhere I remember reading that weweb.io itself is developed on Webflow.
My question → Is the above setup possible? I’m new to both WeWeb and Webflow. I’ve gone through this tutorial.