When you log in, you can fetch the session user data in case of need. If you aren’t logged in, you can’t fetch the data of an inexisting session. So you gotta Log in and then fetch, no other way
So, when I sign up, it works. But when I try to login, it doesn’t. The WeWeb workflow for login is practically the same thing as sign up, just with login instead, but still not working. Why?
Check the login workflow on Xano side and the error details, maybe you’re also trying to fetch a record from a deleted table on this one
Hey Alex,
By chance did you update the details within your usertable? Your login workflow performs a get request to your usertable. If you have updated the schema (column names) you will need to ensure that you have updated the get requests in your login endpoint as well.
It looks as if you have updated the column name from “email” to “Email” please ensure that the “Field Name” that you are searching by is identical (including case sensitivity).
So for the initial error you had, the Xano plugin in Weweb will do a Signup then Fetch auth/me all within the same signup workflow action you have in Weweb and it will return an authToken. Therefore, you don’t need to fetch auth/me again.
If you are still having issues in this step, check your auth/me Xano endpoint by going through the request history and then provide us with any details for the error from there. One way you could also test is to go directly to Xano, edit the auth/me endpoint and then try to run it after selecting some user from the dropdown within the debug window (because it requires an auth token).
If everything is working fine for the signup action, following that, you don’t need to do any checks because if there are errors, the flow will stop at the API/step. However, if you want to be more careful, you can add a step that checks for whether the user is “Authenticated” or not. To do this, when defining the condition for pass through or split through (whatever you use), you simply go to the tab with the user icon (see attached) and then just directly use the “isAuthenticated” variable. This will become true if the user was successfully authenticated on signup/signin etc.
I hope this helps.