Plugin Stripe How to use

What is the correct way to dynamically pass a list of prices and quantities using the PRICES field?

Hi @victoralmeida :wave:

You should be able to bind the Prices field to an array of price ids or you can click on the Add item button several times to add price ids individually.

Does that help?

Not sure you need this but since you’re working with Stripe, I thought I’d share the mini-course @Quentin created on the topic:

It could be helpful down the line :slight_smile:

Hello Joyce, how are you? I’m just passing a list of prices_id, but it gives this error and I don’t know how to proceed… follow the images below and I’ll follow your tip and look at the classes. Thanks! But if anyone has a solution for this, I’d be grateful.

Imagem do WhatsApp de 2024-03-29 à(s) 22.04.01_4eca30fb

Hi @victoralmeida :wave:

I’m not 100% sure. Looking at the Stripe documentation, I think perhaps an array of objects would do the trick, maybe something that looks like this:

{id: "price_1Ozblablabla"}, 
{id: "price_1Ozmoreblabla"}

Can you give it a try and let me know if that works for you?

If not, I’ll ask around :slight_smile: