PLEASEEEEEE, fix the trigger app workflow's bug

Thats so fu**ng anoying, it has been too long that this bug is happening and weweb’s team didnt fixed yet. Please, pay attention on this things, it looks like that sometimes we’re dealing with a tiny family company…

The bug is, all the time we’re editing it goes back and forth the updating, but almost nothing is saved correctly, if u don’t know what i am talking bout, please give yourself a favor and try to use it, you shall see it…

If your bug tickets look like this crappy post, it’s no wonder that it hasn’t been solved yet bro.


What do you mean by crappy post? This is not an open source project, once we’re paying for a service, we have to have been well served. All the time i talk with the support, most time is very bad support, so i’m just saying the truth, if u dont agree with, just pass to a post the matters for u.

The bug is not mine, its weweb’s. Have a good one…

With this attitude you’ll get nowhere. All I see is a ton of childish rant without even explaining the issue properly - that’s what I mean by “crappy”

the quality of the answers you get depends on the quality of the question you ask :upside_down_face: this is for both support and the community.

a clear description of the problem and the steps to reproduce it can help the community to help you.


Yes buddy but my post here is only to call there attention, becasuse i’ve alredy sent them emails about it… but no answer back, sometimes posts like this are necessery.

but if you’re not having the same problem as me and other friends that have reported the same, try to set some trigger app workflow, for example: create a JS function to greet ‘hello world’ on the console… type letter by letter, you’ll see the editor trying to save your edits, but it goes back and forth so your code just disappear and appear again its a mess, as well as normal actions you create using weweb’s formulas.

Please copy and paste your original ticket submission that clearly explains the bug and maybe someone can offer more assistance.

again, it is a very broad definition of the problem. are you talking about creating a formula, adding actions into workflows, binding values?
Everything where you can add js in the editor works in my browser so maybe double check the network panel of dev tools and see if there are blocked requests (maybe that’s why the edits are not saved)

Have you submitted a bug ticket on the support app?