Hi All.
Is it possible to create a page transition animation in weweb? I’d like to be able to do this type of transition if users are on mobile device… tap on a row and new view slides in from right, and tap the back chevron to reverse the transition animation.
Hi @fredo22
In between pages, this is not possible in no-code at the moment.
However, you could do something similar with multiple sections on the same page.
Are these two separate pages in your GIF or is the first screen a navigation menu?
Thanks @Joyce These screens are from our current app. I’ve been playing around with the best we to provide optimum user experience for each device size (and add some kind of animation for mobile transition from the menu to the pages. Q: Can I create a homegrown pop-out menu and then add that to multiple pages as a multi-page section to make those pages load as a single page (SPA)?
You could look into barba.js, but it would require code
Not sure I understand the question but yes, you can design one pop-up menu and use it as a multi-page section. In that case, the pop-up will not be reloaded when you change page.