Darshan Hiranandani : How to Change URL and Page Content Without Reloading in Weweb?

Hi everyone,
I’m Darshan Hiranandani, working on an admin panel using Weweb and need help with a dynamic page setup. I want to click options like “Add Teacher” or “Add Student” on the left sidebar, and when clicked, a form should appear on the right, with the URL changing to reflect the selected option (e.g., “domain.com/student”). However, I want to avoid reloading the page, and instead, just swap out the content dynamically. Can anyone suggest how I can achieve this in Weweb? Thanks for your help!

Darshan Hiranandani

Don’t quote me on this, but I think what you are experiencing is only evident in the Editor. Once you deploy to Staging/Production the page should not appear to reload.

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Hey @darshanhiranandani23

You can use multi-page sections for elements like sidebars so that it persists through the navigation :slight_smile:

As said above, when you use multipage sections (linked) you’ll see the SPA behavior, but you need to publish the app first.