Page opening unintentionally upon bookmarking

I have a clickable card that opens a new page upon click. The open-on-click is set on the card as a whole. In the card, i have two action icons: share and bookmark. When user clicks share, it does not open a new page, rather it starts the share flow as expected. However, when the bookmark icon is clicked, it both bookmarks the item, and opens the relevant page, which is not what I expect.

What I need help with
How do I set up a “bookmark item” workflow on a bookmark icon, that is nested within a card that has a “open new page” workflow on the card as a whole? How do I do so in a way that “overrides” the “open new page” workflow, so that I can bookmark without going to a new page?

Thanks in advance for taking the time to help me out.

On the bookmark button add a js action with event.stopPropagation()

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Thanks @dorilama
That worked but opened up a different issue.

Now, those bookmark icons show up “through” a modal and the modal’s background shadow, as if the modal was transparent (see pic below).
How do I prevent that?

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that’s a completely different issue, probably related to the z-index of the icons. Look for “z axis” under “effects” in the right side panel or any custom css that you may have.


My mistake, you are correct. Thanks again for your help!