"On Click" not working but "On Mouse Enter" does

I have a workflow for a button, I try to trigger it “On click” but it doesn’t do anything, I tried with “On Mouse Enter” and now it does.

I really don’t understand why.

Do you have a link setup on the button?

No, to be more precise, its a “Div” with a “Text” in it styled like a button.

Here how I set it up with “On Click”. It is not working

And here how i set it up with “On Mouse Enter”, and it is working

My variable “passengerPicker” is to display or not a “div”. When I click on the “button”, the display change from “flex” to “none”.
Here how i set it up, I blured out everything that is not relevent for more clarity and I put arrow on each component.

Is there a parent element that is capturing the click event?

No, i dont think so