Not all component variables are not showing even though exposed

I have a component with several variables exposed externally. Here’s on example:

However, I noticed that when I try to access these variables via binding, sometimes only one, a few, or none of these variables are available to bind. It doesn’t seem to be consistent.

In this example, none of the component variables are showing.

What am I missing here?

Hey @kanepaamauloa :wave:
Are they showing in the Variables panel under the Elements section? :thinking:

@kanepaamauloa Oh I think I am noticing the same behavior actually. They are display in the Variable panel, but not on the Bindable variables.
Is it happening only of exposed Object type variable?

EDIT: Happened also on the array variables.
Might be an initialization issue? I did a console.log on one of the object on mount of my component, after that, I seem to be able to access my variables :thinking:

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I’m not exactly sure how to use the console.log to access the component I’m working with, but what I’ve just noticed is that the most recent component variable that I create will show up, but nothing else.

For example, I just created a Component variable named Organization and exposed it, and it’s the only one that shows up.

@Joyce @aurelie

This might be a bug.