However, I noticed that when I try to access these variables via binding, sometimes only one, a few, or none of these variables are available to bind. It doesn’t seem to be consistent.
In this example, none of the component variables are showing.
@kanepaamauloa Oh I think I am noticing the same behavior actually. They are display in the Variable panel, but not on the Bindable variables.
Is it happening only of exposed Object type variable?
EDIT: Happened also on the array variables.
Might be an initialization issue? I did a console.log on one of the object on mount of my component, after that, I seem to be able to access my variables
I’m not exactly sure how to use the console.log to access the component I’m working with, but what I’ve just noticed is that the most recent component variable that I create will show up, but nothing else.
For example, I just created a Component variable named Organization and exposed it, and it’s the only one that shows up.