Not able to test with users (cannot grab UUID), Supabase x WeWeb


New to weweb. Looking good so far. I’ve created Auth and Userprofile with additional info. I am not able to see users from supabase inside weweb. I cannot grab UUID from Supabase into Weweb.

This is the flow:
Register email (auth) > Register name/other info (profile) > Assign UUID of current user to Userprofile.

I can’t seem to get the actual user UUID in dev environment; is this because I am on freeplan in Weweb? I’m not able to publish, obviously.

Am I doing it wrong? :slight_smile: If that’s the case I will have to try to build in auth as the last step…

Hey @Kawwl :wave:

Could you please share a video of the issue? I’m not sure to get it 100%.

You can use a tool like for this.

Thanks a lot :raised_hands:


I actually figured it out! It seems I had not setup Supabase correctly. That’s why users did not appear in WeWeb. A lot of this was created in the backend.

Pitfalls of learning two things at once…

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Haha this happens a lot, do not worry. In the end it’ll “click”.

The cool thing with tools like ours and Supabase is that they are “close to code”. So everything you learn will be easily transferable to other tools :muscle:

I’ve noticed! Dipping my toes in JavaScript should come in handy someday. Supabase also seems very, very capable of scaling beyond anything I would touch myself :sweat_smile:


I am new to web, I am trying to do auth with supabase, I already created the necessary tables in public schema, but I understand that I cannot access the auth user information and therefore supabase suggests creating a public table called users, to be able to take the information from there, information such as phone, photos, age, etc. that you need in the future.

I don’t know how to do it, could you give me the steps please.

I already have the registration form done

What do you mean by ‘cannot access the auth user information’?

You can write all of that info into the user_metadata field.

see the old weweb docs: 🚗 Car Rental App with Supabase