Needed to delete Azure ADB2C OpenID Authentication Cookie. Need approach confirmation

Hi, I am using Azure ADB2C for authentication. The Logout feature for ADB2C needs 2 parameters to successfully redirect back to the webapp. It needs post_logout_redirect_uri and id_token_hint.

The default logout with OpenID (Logout with Redirect or Logout with Popup)is only setting the id_token_hint. In such a situation Azure does not redirect and instead shows an error page

Question 1:- Is there a way to add this parameter during logout so that we can use the default signout using redirect feature?

In absence of a way to do that i added a workflow to redirect to the correct url using Redirect. This logs the user out of Azure and redirects back to the app but the application cookie is not removed and hence the user shows logged in.
I then added a Javascript step to the workflow to delete the session variable starting with “oidc-user”

Q2:- Is this the right approach or is there a better way of logging off for the application ?


I think if you open a ticket on with your usecase we should be able to add the missing parameter!
Maybe we should use the page you selected inside the Redirections step of the plugin as “Page to redirect when user is not signed-in”

For your second question I think clearing the cookie should be enough but you will have to call the fetch user action after, so the action will throw or return nothing and the isAuthenticated state will turn to false