Multiselect options positioned behind table

I’m having an issue with the dropdown options of a multiselect input.
The options are displayed behind the table that is located below it.

Is there a setting to position the dropdown in front of the table?


Multiselect active


Set up z-index (z-axis) to something higher than the table, you might need to enable it on the table also.
It’s in the settings down.

I did try that. I also tried setting the different containers within the table but it didn’t make any difference.

NB: I wasn’t able to select the container for the dropdown options, I had to set the multiselect input z-axis.

I think you should apply z-index to Search Container and Table, container higher value. You can select it by clicking on the element in the menu from the screenshot you posted.

I guess the way z-index works, is that it can be as high as it’s parent element’s.

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That did the trick.
Thanks once again Broberto.

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