Multiselect for filtering job board only works with 1 selection, how do I fix this?

I have a “kind of” job board. So far everything is working except the multiselect dropdown.

When I only have 1 selection it works fine. 2 or more selections shows an empty list.
I have checked to make sure the selections are present in the board. With the pictured selection there should be 1 board showing.
I have tried writing it as a manual string “Houdini, Nuke” Also "Houdini + “Nuke” at this point I am just clutching at straws.

Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

Hi @metalsteve81 :wave:

If you get a chance, can you share the solution we discussed in the Office Hours yesterday?

No worries if you don’t have the time of course!

@Joyce that solution didnt actually work. I was going to join the next office hours to see whats wrong.

Hi @metalsteve81

Can you share your project’s link in private with me, so I can have a look?

@Joyce I figured it out right after the office hours.

to match an array to an array you change the middle drop down to “has all of” and then it works fine. Cant believe i didnt notice that :man_facepalming:

@danlopes thank you but i got it fixed.


Amazing! Thanks for taking the time to share the solution on here. Really appreciate it :grinning:

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