Multi-Tenant authentication

We’re trying to build a multi-tenant SaaS in weweb.
So multiple tenants would be on the SaaS. Each tenant has their own OAuth/SAML connection to their identity provider and each tenant would have their own users.
How would I set this up in weweb?

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Great question, let me check with the team and get back to you ASAP with a possible solution or resource that can help you.

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Most of the time you would want to use a third-party auth provider to handle this higher level of complexity. Auth0 does it out of the box, but there are others too. That reduces the surface area of how auth affects weweb to a link or embed on the login page. Subsequent pages have the token from the auth provider (or that you redeemed with the backend - like redeeming an Auth0 identity token for a Xano access token) in context to decide what actions to take/allow.

We’ve had others working multitenant deployments (including using wildcard domains) using weweb at State Change.

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Thank you AWS Cogito did the trick!

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