Login function works only for some workstations - not others

HI guys
I have a weird one.
After we publish - we can access the WeWeb application from certain workstations and not from others?

Anyone else ever have this issue?

Hi @marcosvbi :wave:

Could you give us more info about this?

For example:

  • what is the error message displayed in the browser of workstations that can’t access the app?
  • are all workstations using the same browsers?
  • do some browsers have extensions that other workstations don’t?
  • do people type in the address or copy/paste it from somewhere? (could be a redirection issue if they type in the domain name without the subdomain for example)

Hi Joyce
Weird part here is that it only seems to happen on “external” workstations.
If i input the login details on my laptop for the same url i go in straight away.

If i then go to another workstation - and use the exact same link with same credentials - then, after pressing the Submit button - then nothing happens.

I added an “On Error Send email” function - and i know that if i enter incorrect email and password details, i get an email from weweb saying there was a logging in error. so its not the password credentials. it has to be something else…

Could it be that weweb needs a browser to be on a certain version or cookies or caches to be cleared for certain types of workstations?

What is your auth? Xano? WeWeb? Supabase?


We use Xano. Have u had a similar issue at all?


I think we might have found the reason - it looks like there is an issue with older workstations.
Could be a windows, chrome, or chip based issue.

The above is yet still to be confirmed.


Do you mean the WeWeb editor or the published app built with WeWeb?

The WeWeb editor works on Chromium browsers. The published apps built with WeWeb should work on any browser. If you manage to isolate what is common to the workstations where you experience issues, we can investigate further.