Xano Auth/WeWeb problem? Full reset (user table recreated, APIs recreated, API token regenerated, Xano Auth setup wizard redone)

Hi everyone. Was wondering if anyone else has had this problem recently. My WeWeb/Xano Auth workflow has broken down. (the Xano data connection still works perfectly, which makes me believe the problem lies with the auth plugin only). The workflow is completely broken, no-one can login and new users can’t register - the workflow keeps spitting out the same error code (code 500 which apparently is a server side problem).

Ive re-done the Xano Auth set wizard, recreated the Get/post/authMe APIs inside xano, regenerated the Xano API token, and even deleted/ recreated the whole user table. No success.

Has anyone had/come across this problem?

Hi @waqarw :wave:

Just tried a login flow in one of my WeWeb / Xano projects and seems to work fine.

Did you change anything on the Xano side of things by any chance? (not trying to point fingers! :sweat_smile: just asking because of the code 500)

A couple of things you might want to check:

  • do you have a custom instance domain in Xano that is maybe not recognized properly by WeWeb?
  • do you have different data sources and branches in Xano that may not be up to date in WeWeb?